It is a kind of test thread from our IKM course in Tallinn that is why I am writing it in English to my classmates. Today morning Tobias Ley from the educational technology department made an interesting introduction to the different types of integration forms of online content tools in order to serve our community on the most effective way. It is now like a workshop we made before in the Hungarian National Library with people that are relatively newbies by using social networking tools. One group is working with Twitter, another one with Delicious, a third one with Netvibes. They are using the same tag to create content reflecting to each other. In general it is really useful for them not just hearing about different technological tools passively, but using them in practice. It is not just about the single use of different social technology tools. The main aim here is the combination. When you are creating an online community, perhaps you would like to develop an online communication strategy by the needs of your community. This strategy can be successfully formulated only if you have an idea that for what kind of purpose would you like to use which tools. Then the next step is the combination of your content for example attach wordpress RSS blogfeed to netvibes, takes link to twitter, attach twitter feeds to netvibes and so on. This combination helps you to spread your message to different target groups in different forms but on the other hand you can combine these messages with each other to create a more complete view in a topic.